My Art Friends Do Such COOL Things !!!

Recently, I posted some of my Gelli Plate printed backgrounds for my blog followers to download for free to use in their own art.  I always encourage my friends and followers to share with me the awesome creations they come up with using my downloads.  I just LOVE to see what others can do with stuff I have made.  It feels like we have collaborated on art even though we may be thousands of miles apart and may never have met in person. 

Anyway, this past week two of my favourite people contacted me to share what they'd done with those backgrounds.  If you missed the posts of those backgrounds they are here:

Free Backgrounds To Download

More Free Backgrounds To Download

First up, my friend Gayle Bodine took prints of the backgrounds and cut them up to use in her own art journaling.  What she discovered with the little squares she'd cut from the larger prints is incredible!  Take a look at her blog here to see the fantastic examples she has shared:

Gayle Bodine's Blog Post

Gayle Bodine "Found Impressionist Landscapes"

Secondly, my artsy friend Kay Strum took those same backgrounds and printed them off to use in her handmade greeting cards and ATCs.  You are in for a real treat when you take a look at the next few images.  Wouldn't you just LOVE to receive a one-of-a-kind card like these?  Kay has a real gift for cardmaking!

Kay Strum Original Greeting Card

Kay Strum Original Greeting Card

Kay Strum Original Greeting Card

Kay Strum Original Greeting Card
Kay Strum Original Greeting Card

Kay Strum Artist Trading Card

Well, if these don't inspire you, I don't know what will!  Be sure to download those backgrounds yourself if you think you could put them to use in your own art.  And, as always, let me know what you create so I can feature your work here too!

All the best always, my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing work. I love to see all the different ways someone can use a background.
