Hi again everyone!

Like my post last week, this project was another collaborative one, this time with my arty friend, the talented Judy Wood.  

Judy sent me this beautiful background to work with.  It's about 8" X 10" on watercolor paper.  The colors are just gorgeous and the scans really don't do it justice.  It has a beautiful metallic sheen to it.  It's also highly textural.  Judy said to me that she saw a beach scene when she looked at it (in landscape format, obviously).  I turned it to portrait format and began to see possibilities of my own.

The first thing I did was take some of my gelli print scraps and collaged them on to the background (far left and far right of the piece).  Down the center, I added some collage elements (courtesy Teesha Moore).

Next, I added a couple more of Teesha's collage elements to the bottom right and upper left.

The next step was to use an old credit card and white acrylic paint to get the streak effect running vertically down the piece.

 I added my central character next.  Her body is another Teesha collage element and her head is an image from an old catalog.

More collage elements (upper left corner and upper right of the piece) and some additional elements added to the body, including a black outline in china marker to make the central image stand out a bit more.

In the next step I added another character to the right side of the piece (she's made up of a couple of different elements).  I also added some of my own handmade art doodle circles. 

Next, I painted the stars in gold Silks (shimmery acrylics) and used some recycled scrapbooking supplies for the dangles the stars hang from.  And finally I added some doodling to highlight areas of the piece.

I was amazed how quickly this piece came together.  Very often when I am working on collaborative pieces with other artists, it seems to take forever to get going on it.  This one came together in a matter of a few hours and was done.  Obviously, I was in "the zone" when this opportunity came my way.

Thank you, dear Judy, for this fun project to work on together. I  hope you like the final result.

Thanks for looking and I'll see you all next time.
