More Stuff From That Finally-Finished Journal

Here's a couple more pages from that journal I talked about a couple of days ago (the one I did the groovy cover for).

This page features another of my favourite quotes, "Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge" from Einstein.  Blingy flower practice pieces from Joanne Sharpe's "Bling It On" class juxtapose with the zetti-style character on the right.  The background is very textural.  I used old dressmaking patterns over the page and then grunge painted it.

The next page was fun too because I finally used up this funny little character that I had made eons ago.  She's made up of two zetti-style rubber stamps and vintage butterfly wings.  She finally had the right backdrop which was created using recycled doodads, dressmaker's pattern tissue (dye sprayed) and some recycled office supplies.  Love the quote too.  It is SO true!

This next image is another hybrid, using a background with spray dyed tissue over neon poster paints (I really will work with almost anything, you know!).  The little doll-like character is a color copy of the central image from one of my collages from many years ago now scaled down to about one quarter its original size.  The hearts are practice pieces created in Joanne Sharpe's "Bling It On" class.  Although they don't show up well in the scan, they are metallic.

And one more for now, this is the most recent page finished.  I completely forgot I had this outrageously funky zetti-style stamp in my collection until recently.  She is featured on a grungy painted background (acrylics and poster paints) and the flowers are higlighted in Twinking H20s for some fun shimmer to offset the grungy background.  I will probably work some more on the lettering.  I think the white letters need to be outlined in black.  But again, I am trying to show restraint at times in my work and not over-do things to the point where I no longer like it. 

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