Journal Cover from "Bling It On"

Oh, I am so bad for not having posted more in the last couple of months!  Work is VERY busy always and leaves little time for art.  Sigh!  What I would do to retire now and do nothing but have fun in my studio.  Where is that lottery winning when you need it?

Anyway, in our "Bling It On" class with Joanne Sharpe recently, we were sparklifying everything we could lay our hands on with all kinds of different supplies.  One of the things I created was with an old CD (you know me and my recycling).  I covered it in metallic gold fabric paint, along with Twinking H20s and Silks (love both those products).  I then layered on top of it another experiment in blinginess from this same class.  I took a recycled report cover (transparent) and did a floral outline in black dimensional paint and when that was dry, painted on the reverse with purple and red Silks.  I cut it out, glued it to the decorated CD and then finished it off with a hand made face cabochon that I've had lying around for years and years.

I have to say that the total effect is really cool.  It's highly textural and unfortunately the scan does not do it justice.  It is very shiny.  The only thing now ... what the heck am I going to do with it??

Well a couple of months later, after it sitting on my studio desk taking up valuable space, I was finishing up one of my art journals and I was thinking that I needed to do something with the cover and, voila!  A home for this mixed media piece.  This is one of those awesome Strathmore journals with the brown, faux leather look cover and it was just too plain.  I mean really, what self respecting mixed media artist can leave ANYTHING plain??  So now it is embellished with gold metallic acrylics and silver and red Silks and is the perfect backdrop to the CD piece. 

I can't decide if it's done or not.  Sometimes I really need to learn to leave well enough alone.  Only time will tell how many doodads and embellishments will make it onto this journal.

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