Returning To My Roots

I've been having so much fun "returning to my roots" lately.  I've been revisiting the early days of my online art career by going back to creating work similar to that I produced about twelve years ago.  Along with my miniature art (magnets), I've been doing some collage/assemblages on reclaimed CDs again.  As always, I so enjoy keeping even the smallest bits out of the trash and creating something for someone to treasure.

Here are a couple of simple little collages I did this weekend entitled, "Character and Beauty" and "Angel Watching Over."  They are made with assorted recycled papers, vintage images and stamped images.  Each has a decorative ribbon loop to hang them from (not shown), as well as a large, flat magnet on the back for maximum display potential. 

I think I'll make a few more of these.  Lord knows I have enough discarded CDs collecting dust around here!

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