PRIZES, PRIZES, PRIZES to be won by YOU ... at GELLI JAM this summer!

Hi all;

Well, we're winding down the last two weeks before our ONLINE workshop "Gelli Jam" premieres with Artful Gathering.

Just in case you missed the details, check this out.   In addition to all the fun we are going to have in the workshop, you can win one of over 20 different prizes that will only be available to those who are registered in the class.  All kinds of original art by me and other cool stuff will be available.

Sure hope you'll join us.  More details at:

Artful Gathering 2014

We'll create all this cool handmade art journals in the workshop


Just a few of the many, many prizes you could win!

Win one of these limited edition art notebook/journals

Lots of my original art will be available to win!
Lots of my original art will be available to win!
Lots of my original art will be available to win!
Head on over to Artful Gathering to get registered and we'll see you there for all the fun this summer!


1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing project. I am awestruck, looking at those vibrant colors and textures. I like making dolls too. Have a look at these amazing doll stencils, I have found recently!
