Sally Lamont's "Journey Of An Art Journal" Project

Artist Sally Lamont started a fantastic project around the beginning of the year.  I was lucky enough to be part of it, courtesy of an invitation from my friend and fellow artist, Sharon Parcel.

You can read about Sally's project here.

I received the journal from Sharon and really enjoyed seeing what Sally and Sharon had done with it so far.  It is a handmade journal using standard No. 10 envelopes on which to journal and also to use as holders for extra goodies.  I took my cue from Sharon who had enclosed a couple of cool little collages in her envelope.

Here are some of photos of Sharon's pages and then mine, which follow right after hers.

It was a great little project and I have now sent it along to another friend to add her own touch to it before it carries along its way and ultimately back to Sally.

Thanks Sally for a great project!  And thanks, Sharon, for inviting me to participate!


Sharon Parcel's art on two facing envelopes

Sharon Parcel's little collages added as inserts into the journal

Sharon Parcel's journal page on the left, Joanna Grant's on the right

My journal page on the back of the previous one

Two inserts and two mini art bookmarks I added to my envelope page

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